Sewing Hope Into Broken Hearts

Tools to Ready the Journey: Episode 3 - The Wedges of this World

Let’s consider how the wedges of the world separate us from our spiritual destiny, and how this effect cascades into all other parts of our lives. The reality we all live with is that the world is filled with “wedges” that are intentionally placed to chip away at man’s faith and separate him from what is true and real. We need to become diligent in identifying these factors in our day-to-day lives. Our journey depends on our daily intent to keep ourselves and our families living a sacramental life within a world of sin. Our journey is not an easy one…. We all face relentless attempts in our day-to-day lives of acceptance in our new norm in the court of public opinion that unconsciously drives wedges between man and his faith, between husbands and wives, and between fathers and their families.The task of identifying these wedges is almost impossible for someone who is not actively working towards owning his own personal relationship with God. If we are not truly conscious of our faith, and the worth of our soul, and the souls of the family we are nurturing, then “living in and of this world” becomes the norm.